•These adjustments apply only to initial attribute scores. Magically altered attributes will not award additional bonuses or penalties. All additions to these skill are awarded when a character gains a new skill level.
Table 3.0 Caste Spell Casting Ability
Spell Begins Maximum Maximum Spells Can Use
Caste Class At Level Spell Level Castable/Round Scrollcase
Fighter • • • • •
Monk • • • • •
Crusader Priest 7 4 1 •
Archer Sorcerer 15 2 1 •
Rogue Sorcerer 15 3 1 Sorcerer
Sorcerer Sorcerer 1 7 2 Sorcerer
Priest Priest 1 7 2 Priest
Enchanter Enchanter 1 7 2 Enchanter
Evoker Enchanter 1 7 3 Enchanter
Cardinal Priest 1 7 3 Priest
Cabalist Sorcerer 1 7 3 Sorcerer
Berzerker • • • • •
Bard Sorcerer 20 3 1 Sorcerer
Fencer • • • • •
Marksman • • • • •
Assassin Sorcerer 15 3 1 Sorcerer
Dabbler Enchanter 5 5 1 •
Battle Mage Sorcerer 5 5 1 •
Warlock Enchanter 1 7 3 Enchanter
Table 5.0 Spell Selection Points Required to Learn Spells
Spell Level Points Required Per Spell Learned
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5 18
6 28
7 40
Figure 5.1 Determining Spell Selection Points
Characters that are capable of casting spell starting at higher skill levels will not begin to accumulate spell selection points until they reach the necessary level required to cast spells. Example: Crusaders can not caste priest spells until they reach level 7. Once they reach level 7 they will begin to accumulate spell selection points as shown below.
Crusader Example: For each skill level over the 6th Skill Level they receive 2 points plus 1 point for each point of Judgment over 15 plus 1 point for each skill level over the 7th.
Example: A Skill Level 10 Crusader with a Judgment of 16 will have:
7th: 2 + 1
8th: 2 + 1 + 1
9th: 2 + 1 + 2
10th: 2 + 1 + 3
Total = 8 + 4 + 6 = 18 Spell Selection Points
Priest Castes: Receive 3 points plus 1 point for each point of Judgment over 15 plus 1 point for each skill level past the 1st.
Example: A Skill Level 4 Priest with a Judgment of 17 will have:
1st: 3 + 2
2nd: 3 + 2 + 1
3rd: 3 + 2 + 2
4th: 3 + 2 + 3
Total = 12 + 8 + 6 = 26 Spell Selection Points
Sorcerer/Enchanter Castes: Receive 3 points plus 1 point for each point of Knowledge over 15 plus 1 point for each skill level past the 1st.
Example: A Skill Level 4 Sorcerer or Enchanter with a Knowledge of 16 will have:
1st: 3 + 1
2nd: 3 + 1 + 1
3rd: 3 + 1 + 2
4th: 3 + 1 + 3
Total = 12 + 4 + 6 = 22 Spell Selection Points
Table 6.0 Brawn Modification Table
To Hit Damage*
Brawn Adjustment Adjustment
3 -20% -1
4 -15% -1
5 -10% 0
6 -5% 0
. 0% 0
. 0% 0
. 0% 0
16 +5% +1
17 +5% +2
18 +10% +2
19 +10% +3
20 +15% +3
21 +15% +4
22 +20% +4
23 +20% +5
24 +25% +5
25 +25% +6
*Each caste begins to gain a strength bonus at a specific level to that caste and has a maximum bonus they can attain. In general, the more Warrior-like the cast is, the earlier they will get a strength bonus and the higher that bonus can go. Non warrior castes such as Warlocks may get only a limited bonus for strength.
Table 7.0 Armor Rating Adjustments for Base Armor Types
Rating Permitted
Armor Type Adjustment Caste / Race
Robe +3 All
Padded +6 Varies by Caste & Race
Leather +9 Varies by Caste & Race
Chain +15 Varies by Caste & Race
Banded +21 Varies by Caste & Race
Plate +27 Varies by Caste & Race
Gloves, Soft +1 Varies by Caste & Race
Gloves, Hard +2 Varies by Caste & Race
Helm, Steel +3 Varies by Caste & Race
Helm, Leather +2 Varies by Caste & Race
Cap +1 All
Shield +6 Varies by Caste & Race
Cloak +2 All
Gauntlets +2 Varies by Caste & Race
Boots, Soft +1 All
Boots, Hard +2 Varies by Caste & Race
Table 7.1 Armor Rating Adjustments for Agility
Agility Armor Rating Adjustment
15 +2
16 +4
17 +6
18 +8
19 +10
20 +12
21 +14
22 +16
23 +18
24 +20
25 +22
Table 8.0 Attacks Per Round By Caste
(Still subject to race limitations)
These castes gain 1/2 attack per round at the specified levels. Maximum attacks are limited by race and caste so if your race has a maximum attacks of 4 they can never have more than 4 attacks per round. Excess 1/2 attacks are carried over to the next round where they become a full attack every other round.
The maximum attacks per round may be higher than is actualy gained by any particular caste as they may gain extra attacks due to the race they are.
Caste Initial/Max Levels that gain 1/2 attack per round
Fighter 1.0 / 6 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
Monk 1.0 / 6 4, 7, 11, 14, 19, 23, 27, 31
Crusader 1.0 / 6 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48
Archer 1.0 / 6 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47
Rogue 1.0 / 6 4, 7, 11, 14, 19, 23, 27, 31
Sorcerer 1.0 / 2 15
Priest 1.0 / 3 10, 20
Enchanter 1.0 / 2 20
Evoker 1.5 / 3 17, 25
Cardinal 1.5 / 4 15, 25, 35, 45
Cabalist 1.5 / 3 25, 35
Berzerker 2.0 / 5 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24
Bard 1.5 / 5 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19
Fencer 2.0 / 6 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22
Marksman 1.5 / 6 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56
Assassin 1.5 / 6 4, 7, 11, 14, 19, 23, 27, 31
Dabbler 1.0 / 4 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42
Battle Mage 2.0 / 3 7, 13, 19, 25, 31
Warlock 2.0 / 3 15, 25, 35, 45
Table 8.1 Initial / Maximum Attacks Per Round By Race
(Still subject to caste limitations)
Initial Maximum
Race Attacks/Round Attacks/Round
Human 1 4
Shadow Elf 1 4
Elf 1 4
Orc 1 4
Furfoot 1.5 5
Gnome 1 4
Dwarf 1 4
Half Elf 1 4
Half Orc 1 4
Goblin 1.5 5
Hobgoblin 1.5 5
Kobold 2 6
Vampire 1.5 4
Lizard Man 1 5
Brownie 2 6
Pixie 2 6
Leprechaun 1.5 6
Demon 1.5 4
Cathoon 1.5 5
Table 8.2 Initial Attacks Per Round By Caste
(Still subject to race limitations)
Initial Maximum
Race Attacks/Round Attacks/Round
Fighter 1 6
Monk 1 6
Crusader 1 6
Archer 1 6
Rogue 1 6
Sorcerer 1 2
Priest 1 3
Enchanter 1 2
Evoker 1.5 3
Cardinal 1.5 4
Cabalist 1.5 3
Berzerker 2 5
Bard 1.5 5
Fencer 2 6
Marksman 1.5 6
Assassin 1.5 6
Dabbler 1 5
Battle Mage 2 4
Warlock 2 3
Table 9.0 Weapon Damage Table
Melee Weapons Damage No. HANDS Caste/Race
Axe, Battle 1 - 12 2 Varies
Axe, Pike 1 - 12 2 Varies
Axe, Stone 1 - 7 1 Varies
Axe, War 1 - 8 1 Varies
Club 1 - 6 1 Varies
Dagger 1 - 4 1 Varies
Dart 1 - 2 1 Varies
Flail 1 - 8 1 Varies
Halberd 1 - 14 2 Varies
Hammer, Battle 1 - 8 1 Varies
Hammer, Stone 1 - 7 1 Varies
Hammer, War 1 - 8 1 Varies
Jo Stick 1 - 6 2 Varies
Mace 1 - 6 1 Varies
Morning Star 1 - 8 1 Varies
Nunchaku 1 - 6 1 Varies
Spear 1 - 8 2 Varies
Staff 1 - 6 2 Varies
Staff, Quarter 1 - 5 2 Varies
Sword, Broad 1 - 8 1 Varies
Sword, Long 1 - 10 1 Varies
Sword, Scimitar 1 - 8 1 Varies
Sword, Tip 1 - 12 1 Varies
Sword, Two-Handed 1 - 12 2 Varies
Sword, Short 1 - 6 1 Varies
Missile Weapons Damage No. HANDS Caste/Race
Bow 1 - 6 2 Varies
Cross Bow 1 - 6 2 Varies
Throwing Axe 1 - 6 1 Varies
Throwing Dagger 1 - 4 1 Varies
Throwing Hammer 1 - 6 1 Varies
••Throwing Star 1 - 6 1 Varies
••These weapons have two attacks per round. Both attacks are at the same target. i.e. Throwing Stars have 2 attacks at 1-4 each for a total of 2-8.
Table 10.0 Turning Probability
Actually, this is more of a formula than a table. This applies to any creature that is classified as Undead, Demon, Daemon or Devil. This can only be done by castes such as Crusader, Priest or Cardinals. Though not of a priestly nature, warlocks also gain the ability to turn undead at higher levels. If a characters ability to turn is less than 1% then they will not be presented with the option to TURN during combat.
Also, Pixies and Vampires will have a small chance to turn very low level undead. This ability will not grow as they advance in levels.
Chance = Characters Base Chance -5% X Monster Toughness.
This chance applies to each and every creature involved in the battle. If the character is successful, the creature will be destroyed. If the character does a particularly good job at turning, the creature will not be destroyed, but actually TURNED. This means the creature will change allegiance, and will now fight on behalf of the Priest or Crusader, instead of against them.